[fprint] Problems with pam_fprint

João Miguel Roque miguel at jmroque.net
Thu Nov 22 23:38:50 GMT 2007

Hi Daniel.

Manage to get permission for a normal user to use this nice piece of
software. For Fedora 8 users, we have to make a change in file
"/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules" and search a line like 

# libusb device nodes
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device",
NAME="bus/usb/$env{BUSNUM}/$env{DEVNUM}", MODE="0644" 

and change the mode to "0666" so the line will look like 

# libusb device nodes
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device",
NAME="bus/usb/$env{BUSNUM}/$env{DEVNUM}", MODE="0666"

This solves the problem for regular users to use the lib, but when
running pam_fprint_enroll, it scans the finger, but then it can't save
the file and gives the following error:

	Scan your finger now.
	Enroll complete!
	Enrollment completed!

	fp:error [fp_print_data_save] couldn't create storage directory
	Data save failed, code -1

Where is the lib saving the files so that we can change permissions?

Other thing is that the scan at least with the AES1610 doesn't have a
good quality and maybe this is not only with the quality of the sensor,
but also with the speed one must use when scaning the finger. If you
scan too slow, it gives a segmentation fault. Don't know the internals
of the program, but if possible, try to slow a bit the scan so that we
can avoid this segmentation fault. Other thing could be to add in the
demo a param that will do that, we the users will check the best speed
for our sensors and then you could implement that speed in

Hope that I've made myself clear.


Qui, 2007-11-22 às 22:53 +0000, Daniel Drake escreveu:
> João Miguel Roque wrote:
> > It gives the following message:
> > 
> > aes1610:error [dev_init] could not claim interface 0
> > fp:error [fp_dev_open] device initialisation failed, driver=aes1610
> > 
> > lsusb gives the following info for my reader:
> > 
> > Bus 007 Device 003: ID 08ff:1600 AuthenTec, Inc. 
> It might work as root. If so, it means that permissions on usbfs USB 
> device nodes are not set up to allow user access. I would again suggest 
> following this up with Fedora because if you do not have this access 
> then there is a lot of other stuff that would break (such as scanning 
> through SANE). Sorry that I can't be of more help on the fedora side of 
> things.
> Daniel

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