[fprint] the python binding

Daniel Drake dan at reactivated.net
Fri Nov 16 00:27:04 GMT 2007

Horacio Duran wrote:
> Are there plans for python bindings for libfprint?
> I might try if not, but i don't guarantee anything i've never done one before.

This is something I'd love to see (and the thought has crossed my mind) 
but it's not currently on my TODO list.

If you were to head up such a project I would be happy to host it on the 
sourceforge area.

I have some experience writing Python bindings. The Python documentation 
is quite good (http://docs.python.org -- see "extending and embedding" 
and use "Python/C API" as a reference).

Here are some Python bindings for OpenSSL that I wrote recently:
Yes, OpenSSL is a beast but only a small amount of the OpenSSL API is 
covered there, so it might be useful as a small example.

Those bindings are written by hand. You have other options such as using 
swig or pyrex, but I really dislike those approaches...


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